Actress Esha Deol has been making headlines ever since an image of the actress with her half-brothers Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol went viral on social media. The image was clicked at the screening of Sunny Deol's Gadar 2. For context, Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol are legendary actor Dharmendra's sons with his first wife Prakash Kaur, while Esha Deol is his elder daughter with actress Hema Malini. Given that the family is fiercely private and the half-siblings are rarely pictured together, the photo went viral in no time. Speaking to ETimes about the image, Esha Deol said that she does not feel like she needs to go the extra mile to justify her relationship with Sunny Deol. About the viral image, she said, “Honestly, the picture happened very organically. It was not planned. We are very private as a family. We are very respectful towards each other. I feel that whether I tie him Rakhi or not is none of anyone else's business. But I think because we are actors, people want to do that moment. I have been tying rakhi to my brothers since I was a kid and we continue doing so. But we are not here to prove to people."
The actress further said, "Like I said, the photo at Gadar 2 screening happened very organically. That was a beautiful moment and we saw the audience and the public getting emotional about it. But for us, we have a lot of pictures together in our family, I think."
In a separate interview, Hema Malini also reflected on the astounding success of Sunny Deol's film. Speaking to News18 Showsha, she said, “Gadar 2 is a massive success because people love Sunny a lot. They all wanted him. I used to also tell him that you have to do the best one now. Karna padega! He would say main karunga,” adding, “He was very sweet you know and he did this picture and I am deeply so thrilled about it and that he has got so much appreciation, very nice. Each and every scene was so good.”
The image and comments by Esha Deol and Hema Malini come weeks after the veteran actress and her two daughters, Esha And Ahaana were missing from Sunny Deol's son Karan Deol's wedding. Read all about it here.
Gadar 2 starring Sunny Deol in the lead role has earned over ₹456.05 crore at the box office. The film features Ameesha Patel opposite Sunny Deol.
from NDTV News- Special