Pakistani actress Mahira Khan recently set the stage on fire with her killer dance moves. In a viral video, Mahira is dancing to the beats of the iconic Bollywood song Husn Hai Suhana from the movie Coolie No. 1, starring Govinda and Karisma Kapoor. The actress looks pretty in a green lehenga set and has styled her hair into a neat bun. She has accessorised her look with statement jewellery and green bangles. According to reports, the actress attended the pre-wedding function of celebrity PR Frieha Altaf's son, Turhan James in Pakistan. Check out the viral video below:
The superstar Mahira Khan joined the bandwagon of wedding dances and hit the dance floor at the Mehndi event of PR queen Frieha Altaf's son, Turhan James with Emaan Dharani. #mahirakhan
— Naylasays (@NaylaAmir) January 20, 2023
In another viral video from the same function, Mahira Khan can be seen dancing to another Bollywood song - Ranbir Kapoor's song Dance Ka Bhoot from the movie Brahmastra. Take a look below:
Mahira Khan dancing on Ranbir Kapoor's song "Dance Ka Bhoot"#RanbirKapoor #MahiraKhan
— Hail Hydra (@Lordofbattles8) January 22, 2023
Mahira Khan was recently seen in the blockbuster The Legend Of Maula Jatt with Fawad Khan, Hamza Ali Abbasi and Humaima Malick. A few days ago (January 21), the actress was celebrating the 100 days of the movie in Cinemas. Re-sharing Bilal Lashari's post, the actress wrote, "Hell yeah!"
Take a look below:
Hell yeah!
— Mahira Khan (@TheMahiraKhan) January 21, 2023
The actress is known for her performances in TV shows Humsafar, Shehr-e-Zaat, Sadqay Tumhare and others. She made her debut in Pakistani films with Atif Aslam's Bol. Since then has featured in several successful films like Bin Roye, Ho Mann Jahaan, 7 Din Mohabbat In and Superstar, to name a few.
She also made her debut in Bollywood with Rahul Dholakia's Raees, co-starring Shah Rukh Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
On Instagram, the actress keeps her fans hooked by sharing stunning pictures. A few days ago, Mahira Khan shared a reel in which she can be seen posing with a novel. In the background, she added the song Shauq from the movie Qala. She captioned the post with the lyrics of the song Shauq: "Bikharney ka mujh ko shauq hai bara... samathey ga mujh ko, tu bata zara..."
Take a look below:
On the work front, Mahira Khan will be next seen in Neelofar with Fawad Khan and Madiha Imam. This marks her third project with Fawad Khan after Humsafar and The Legend Of Maula Jatt.
from NDTV News- Special